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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
23820 QA33 Ошибка Новая Нормальный The digit 1 is not shown on the basket icon at the header after adding the “Electrolux EEM96330L” item to the shopping cart Redmine Admin 10/09/2024 12:29 AM Actions
23819 QA33 Ошибка Новая Высокий The “Samsung RF56N9740SG” item is not shown at shopping cart after clicking on the “Купить” button on the “Samsung RF56N9740SG” item at the “Спецпропозиція” section Redmine Admin 10/09/2024 12:27 AM Actions
23818 QA33 Ошибка Новая Нормальный The main page is opened after clicking on the “UA” link at the header of the “Авто/мото товары” page Redmine Admin 10/09/2024 12:25 AM Actions
23817 QA33 Ошибка Новая Нормальный The content of the opened window ( is presented in Russian after clicking the “Спецпропозиція” tab at the menu on the main page Redmine Admin 10/09/2024 12:24 AM Actions
23816 QA33 Ошибка Новая Нормальный The content of “Обратная связь” drop-down menu is crossed the search field at the header after clicking on the “Обратная связь” drop-down menu at the header Redmine Admin 10/09/2024 12:21 AM Actions
23815 QA33 Ошибка Новая Нормальный The number of items in the wish list and the number on the wish list icon is not matched after adding the item to the wish list 10/08/2024 12:23 PM Actions
23814 QA33 Ошибка Новая Нормальный The English publishing houses are not filtered by “#” symbol on the publishing houses tab after clicking on “#” filter 10/08/2024 12:17 PM Actions
23813 QA33 Ошибка Новая Нормальный The items below “Казки” item are not presented on “Карта сайту” page after switching from the main page of the site to the “Карта сайту” page 10/08/2024 12:13 PM Actions
23812 QA33 Ошибка Новая Нормальный The Ukrainian authors are not sorted by alphabet on the Authors tab after clicking on the “Український” button near “Алфавіт” at the Authors tab 10/08/2024 12:04 PM Actions

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