Ошибка #20616
Inoperative icon FB for sharing on FB the article “Великодній стіл: як не нашкодити здоровʼю” on the page “ГРОМАДЯНАМ”.
Start date:
Due date:
05/07/2023 (about 22 months late)
% Done:
Estimated time:
0.20 h
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the main page https://moz.gov.ua/
2. Scroll down to the picture “Великодній стіл: як не нашкодити здоровʼю” in the body.
3. Click on the picture “Великодній стіл: як не нашкодити здоровʼю”.
4. Look at the article title “Великодній стіл: як не нашкодити здоровʼю”.
5. Find the FB icon near the title and click on it to share.
Expected results:
1. After clicking on FB icon a new window for sharing appears.
Actual results:
1. After clicking on FB icon a new window for sharing does not appear.
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